Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Macrobiotic Insights by Roy Littlesun


- The Goal of Macrobiotics
- The Test
- First Macrobiotic Advice
- Unconditional Love
- Beyond “Today’s Macrobiotics”
- Be Free

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The Goal of Macrobiotics

IGNORANCE is the Root-cause of disease. So, for Macrobiotics to cure any disease…it must first of all cure our OWN ignorance. George Ohsawa named his School Ignoramus. He went into the extremes to find out how to cure himself, in order to provide information that can complement the Cure we seek. Any problem can only be solved by the one who created it. So, it would be ARROGANCE to tell any one how to cure ones ignorance. We have to be SELF-realised (Enlightened, attained Godhood) first to KNOW what another actually needs for the cure. Even then, Free Will has to be honoured for one to make the CHOICE. In other words, an ignorant person cannot tell another ignorant person that he/she is ignorant. George Ohsawa concluded that arrogance is the worst disease. When we make “mistakes”…we do it to find out how ignorant we are. Only then, can we HEAL (Health means Whole) our self…for the self or non-existent ego to Know the SELF. The GOAL of Macrobiotics and Life is SELF-realisation and everything else is “interesting”. The first step for Knowing ourselves is the CHEWING of FOOD. From hereon we can gradually Know our SELF, by basically making the Nine Cosmic Steps (read The Nine Cosmic Gates, click: http://www.shaketheanthill.net (then Earth ascension on PART 1) .

The Teachings of Macrobiotics are timely, for it correlates with the distilling of an over four billion year evolution in one lifetime. Cancer became one of its main topics, because also the most primitive stage, that we cannot do without, has to be present on the Human scale. As the primitive cell (virus, bacteria) has come to “know” where it eventually will arrive…also a new basis is set for the Human to use its potential to infinitely grow into Great Mystery (identified as “Nothing” from the deductive mindset point of view). From chaos comes order. Springtime is next. Therefore each detail that our MEMORY comprises must be present for the Return to the Oneness, to form the Seed that must give continuation to the Tree. The Human Being is the “cosmic ark of Noah”! ALL IS ONE, regardless whether we see the parts separate from each other. The template of Creation applies to everything and everyone and the SELF Knows it, but do we know the SELF? When we do, any form of cancer or disease cannot befall us.

Any growth goes through cycles or seasons. Our growth cannot be void of the unique personal EXPERIENCE, that we need to complete a cycle of Consciousness. It is by the experience that the Unknown becomes Known…and it is by the Known that we in turn can continue with the exploration into the Unknown, etc. So, even when cancer is part of the experience…do not despair…BE. IT IS! What enables us to experience, including “cancer” is the eternal-SELF (who is already truly Macrobiotic), who allows the ignorant “me” to identify itself with the body and mind until it comes to a “dead-end”. This is where death is good for, to get a new perspective and chance to realise that “poor me” does NOT exist! APPRECIATE the experience, it is a LESSON by which we can profit from. So, don’t be stingy by refusing to be vulnerable. The distance between birth and death is actually the widening of the PORTAL of the NOW, so that we can increase the “breakthrough” with “all our might”. In other words, overcome any Limit that’s caused by DIVISION. Use the Limit as the Stepping-stone.

It is by the Infinite TEST that we will come to Know WHO is waiting for us within the largest possible context, in which we eventually become conscious of the SELF. Just as the primitive cell has been patient, waiting for the Human to get “cancer”…our “higher SELF” is as much eager to welcome us on a higher plane, with the realisation that we are a Cell of Creator’s Body! So, how can the Creator have cancer! Only with the “my-consciousness” can we separate from our true Being and as such create our “own cancer” in order to eradicate our stuckness. This falling apart of universal exclusivity will not only befall the individual. Civilizations crashed, because they were mistaken for the “Kingdom of Heaven on Earth”. The US is now going through a similar process, from where the chance is given for any one to make the Choice to BE.

What gets us overcome cancer without getting stuck in cancer is CHANGE. At any moment we die and are born, old cells are immediately replaced with new cells. The whole process is simultaneously captured within our body (microcosm of Creation). The primitive cells within the small-intestine and the most advanced cells of the brain are One by the Infinite Constant Change. However, when we get stuck by overly pointing out “cancer”…we become fixed in ”cancer”, possibly manifesting physically too (read AIDS and the inter-cellular effect)…because we go against Change. Change is The Law, by which Justice prevails. If The Law requires us to have “cancer”, it is for a good reason. Don’t “fight cancer”. It is our FRIEND, letting us see who The Enemy is!

Change finds its origin by finite/infinite, by the PERCEPTION of the One as Two. As such beginning and end enables us to have an Experience (“expiration”) in space and time. So, the greater the “delayed perception” is of the “here and now”, the more we FORGET who we are as a “One-Being” or eternal-SELF…within a “hologram” that’s created by the Mind. Consequently beginning and end can Mirror each other to give a greater Perspective of the “in-between”. In other words, the “in-between” is the context of the Circle that upon Contraction (Yang) becomes the Centre. The “without” (circle) is realised by the “within” (centre) and vice versa. Here is where the true Cure of Cancer lies. Both extremes secure the circulation (change) where the “tumour” (stagnation) has no chance to develop. The circle is the expanded centre and the centre is the contracted circle. ALL IS ONE.

Cancer is not necessarily of a “clinical” nature, although it can obscure the Root-cause! “cancer” exists in the stagnant outer, due to lacking the Memory that All is One. On the physical level, having lost connection with the Centre, complex cells decompose into simple cells (go back in time), because the nucleus where the Memory of One is contained has become “distracted’ with the conflicting external affairs. This principle also applies to the cancer of the mind, when one becomes pre-occupied with dividing the world in “right’ and “wrong”. The book Cancer by Mr. Muramoto revealed this, when George Ohsawa exposed Dr. Albert Scheitzer’s Cancer by going through an experience of hell by choice.

It is all about SELF-realisation, the GOAL of life. Each one of us has therefore a UNIQUE cosmic journey, to bring forth the ONLY ONE from WITHIN. For this reason we must practice Unconditional Love, the supreme Macrobiotic Medicine, for it interconnects the ALL (= Macro). So, whether we pressure-cook our food or not or “play it safe” in some way, when an “experience” is needed to complete ones cycle…any concept of what is “correct or incorrect” will be overruled when it does NOT serve the realisation of the SELF”. Considering our entire past, our “present life” offers the OPPORTUNITY to catch up with “unfinished business” unto times immemorial. So, Unconditional Love, also known as Appreciation, makes WHOLE (= Health) within the full-spectrum of Being.

Cancer and any form of discomfort or suffering is but a stepping-stone towards the SELF-realisation (it was said that difficulty is the shortest way to heaven). To make that Step requires the Courage to be VULNERABLE to Truth. If that step results in a “setback” then this is the CHANCE to rectify an “oversight”. The more powerful and far-reaching the next step then! So, on the “kindergarten” level Macrobiotics is practiced on the “right/wrong” level. We have been “macrobiotic” since ages! Now we must make the “Macrobiotic-quantum-leap”! Yes we can then restore our Unique Intuitive Knowing. From hereon we can proceed towards the “World Beyond”, Yin/Yang seen as One (seed) instead of Yin/Yang seen as Two (parts of the tree). The truth is that the seed is in the tree and the tree is in the seed. This is the formula of Freedom, that we can fully embrace with the Choice to BE.

The following experience gave me an inkling of how Truth, the unexpected, can turn up at the MOMENT when the condition is just right for making the Choice to BE. This Moment of Truth shows up differently for each one of us. We can be sure of…the greater the expectation and the certainty that we are “right” over another “wrong”…the greater the SURPRISE at the END! Cancer is the state of Chaos (= “substantiated-Nothing/Void/Source” from where Order can rise). Chaos is created by anti-Change. Chaos gives the opportunity to Change from the level where Creation began. That’s pretty close to the Creator. So, “cancer/chaos” gives opportunity for “self-examination”. This approach towards finding the truth that will set us FREE is superior above “hope” and “fingering” into the outer. The Superior ONE is WITHIN and “cancer” is sometimes needed to peel off the last layer of the “Cosmic Onion”.


The man was in the hospital, dying of stomach-cancer. He asked his wife to contact me and find out if I could possibly see him at the ward, where he was hooked on a “life-support” system.

I came and saw that the only thing that “Macrobiotics” could do, is to facilitate the TEST. The man had stomach-cancer seven years before. The symptoms disappeared with the “macrobiotic-diet”. Since then he became “confident” and began to eat more “freely”. Then, suddenly the cancer came back and the “macrobiotic-diet” could not do the same.

Isn’t this in a “nutshell” the story of the many lives we went through. What is the difference….deaths between different episodes of failing tests….or “seven years” between two episodes of cancer in one life-time? So…what needs to be cured is Ignorance! This I understood what I came for… Being ignorant myself, what can I possibly do? Just DO IT. That’s what brought us this far in space and time, to carry forth the EVIDENCE that Life is Eternal, by doing the best we can. The difference is the distance between birth and death, due by not mastering life from WITHIN, where the Master is, in the NOW. Death is merely the End-result of Ignorance, by not KNOWING the “I AM”. Death and Ignorance are the same. We die because we ignore the eternal SELF.

So, another test was unfolding here… I did my best by explaining the “bigger picture of macrobiotics”. At the end the man said, “ call the nurse”. When the nurse came and asked what she could do…the man said, “nurse please remove the “life-support system from my body”. The nurse protested, but the man insisted and said he would do it himself without her help. So the nurse gave in.

The man’s eyes became focussed and bright. He thanked for the visit and I asked myself if I did the right thing. The next morning the man’s wife called me…“he died with a smile and shortly before...told me to let you know that he is thankful for what you did”.

………euthanasia…suicide……? It deserves a true Macrobiotic Perspective (8th level of judgment. Read The Nine Cosmic Gates). Now, about twenty five years later, I see the correlation between this case and an experience my friend Izolde had with her two year old baby-girl. She was breast-feeding her baby and suddenly the child stopped and looked her mother straight into the eyes…and said with a clear voice “God made Himself”…!

The Creator made us and only He can decide about our life. So, does this mean that we cannot decide about anything and thus must be like a robot? Even so, who in the world must then be responsible to care for this object without Will? Is having Free Will just non-sense? Are the senses by which we can DISCERN non-sense? To be able to reason as such gives license to question…“ WHO AM I”? EXACTLY! This very Question enabled us to enter Great Mystery. The Creative Force, released to make the ONE TWO, have led to the creation of the MIRROR to See ourselves within the LIGHT that comes from ”within”. This “within” we temporarily experience as the "without", by which we can Sense and Discern, giving us the ILLUSION that we are the TWO. But then…when the Mirror that we chose to create, to see a certain aspect (possibility) of Great Mystery…we must be DIS-illusioned, so that the “within” can be WITHIN! Here is where “Job’s TEST” comes in. At the height of our “glory” we must face the END of the Mirror’s purpose, to SEE from Creator’s point of view…to SEE Oneness. All the perspectives based on “mine and yours, right and wrong” must at the end make place for Creator’s observation…WHO is WITHIN! At this point the “without” collapses. This is the DIS-illusion, to let us See Who is the Master. To See and Know as such, this is SELF-realisation. So, Macrobiotics has two sides. One side is that of the “mirror”, where we apply its principles by some ones “textbook-knowledge”. The other side has no “sides” It comes from the ONLY-ONE-WITHIN! So, the last step for “becoming Macrobiotic” is by the COURAGE to BE and goes along with the condition that we created ourselves. All masters have been downplayed by the ignorant, because the ignorant without courage is like an orphan who cannot stand on its own ground. As such lynch-mobs are created. All wars became possible by those who refused to be SELF-realised. Even the “macrobiotic circle” is not void of this Cancer!. This is “Job’s TEST”. When everything goes “well” according to the “norms” we are “in”. When things go “wrong” according to the “norms” we are “out”. The SELF doesn’t care about the “norms”, because IT IS.

So, Realising that the man’s body was a Part of Creator’s Body, this “tiny cell” made the CHOICE to hook on to Creator’s System of ETERNAL LIFE. Not until we in turn become food for Creator’s Body, “macrobiotic food” can just as much set us up for the TEST as any other “diet”! What must be cured is IGNORANCE. Therefore George Ohsawa named his school “Ignoramus”.


To Remember who we Are implies to also REMEMBER why we came to Earth, to create the Mirror. As we have, more than ever before, the chance to create a premature axis-shift of Earth…where at best a boy and a girl can make a “new beginning”…what are we wallowing about, about the personal trivial concerns. “my property”, “my life”, “my cancer”, “my health” or any “my” deletes us from being Macrobiotic. The world got stuck with the too many “my’s”. Hey, let’s shift consciousness and sing George Ohsawa’s favoured song often:

“row , row, row your boat…gently down the stream…
merrily, merrily, merrily… life is but a dream!”

Then, Ohsawa’s great difinition: “HAPPINESS is the endless realisation of an infinite DREAM”. So, let’s Realise the Dream (PLAN) that brought us to Earth. This should be the MAIN issue of “Today’s Macrobiotics”. Then everything else will follow suit, because it is by Creator’s PLAN and WILL that we will come back to the ONENESS/Macrocosm.

First Macrobiotic Advice:
Stop Wallowing

What man who has clearly understood this continual death-birth cycle and the endless miseries that it brings with it, could be foolish and blind enough to cling to this earthly life or value it?

Think of the millions of years that you have eaten, drunk and slept, enjoyed sensual pleasures and consequent misery. Should you still wallow in delusion?

Think of the thousands of births you have had and the thousands of parents , wives, husbands and children that you have had in those births. Should you still wallow in delusion?

Think of the desires gratified and thus strengthened, the ambitions fulfilled, the houses built, money made and property acquired, and think of all these have been razed to the earth by the ravages of time ... the millions of millennia that this universe has existed, Should you still wallow in delusion?

Think of the insignificance of a short span of active life in comparison to the millions of years that constitute a Day of the Creator. What can you still do during this short span from transmigration forever. Should you still wallow in delusion?


Stop wallowing and pay attention to our own Unique Role that no one but ourselves can fulfil. The best thing we can do is to be an example, by our diligent dedication to become Conscious that the Oneheart is our Centre.

The illusory ego tries to make us believe that we can be superior by the degrading of another. The contrary is true, with the understanding that ALL IS ONE Whose Centre is WITHIN. Until we discover our true SELF we continually set ourselves up for the rebirth where the "not to BE" is instrumental to Awaken us by way of suffering!

Think of the significance of this life-span as it still can be used as the Stepping-stone for the SELF to Know the SELF by, of, for and within the SELF. At any moment the chance to attain this FREEDOM, with the SELF-realisation, can END.

Unconditional Love
by a Hopi

You are unique - different from all others. Without reservation or hesitation, I allow you to be in the world as you are without a thought or word of judgement from me. I see no error in the things you may say and do, feel and believe since I understand that you are honouring yourself by being and doing what is true to you. I cannot walk life through your eyes nor see it through your heart. I have not been where you have been and experienced what you have experienced, viewing life from your unique angle.

I appreciate you exactly as you are, being your own unique spark of the Infinite consciousness, seeking to find your own individual way to relate to the world. Without reservation or hesitation, I allow you every choice to learn in the way you feel is right for you. It is vital that you be your own person and not someone that I or others think you 'should' be. To the best of my ability, without denigrating or compromising myself in any way, and I will support you in that.

I cannot know what is for your highest good, what is true for you or what you
need since I do not know what you have chosen to learn, how you have chosen to learn it, with whom or in what time period. Only you can feel your inner excitement and hear your inner voice - I only have my own.

I acknowledge that, though they may be different to each other, the many ways
To perceive and experience the various facets of our world are all valid. Without
reservation or hesitation, I allow the choices you make in each moment. I make
no judgement of this for it is imperative that I honour your right to your individual evolution, because it empowers that right for myself and all others.

To those who would choose a way I cannot or would not walk, whilst I may not
choose to add my power and my energy to that way, I will never deny you the
gift of love that God has bestowed within me, for all creation. As I love you, so shall I be loved. As I sow, so shall I reap.

Without reservation or hesitation, I allow you the universal right of free will to walk your own path, creating steps or sitting still if and when you feel it is right for you. I cannot always see the higher picture of Divine Order and so I will make no judgement that your steps are large or small, nor light or heavy or that they lead up or down, for that would just be my viewpoint. Though I may see you do nothing and judge it to be unworthy, I acknowledge that you may be the one who brings great healing as you stand calm, blessed by the Light of God.

For it is the inalienable right of all life to choose their own evolution, and without reservation or hesitation I acknowledge your right to determine your own future. In humility, I bow to the realisation that the way I see as best for me does not have to mean that it is also right for you, that what I believe is not necessarily true for you. I know that you are led as I am, following your inner excitement to know your own path.

I know that the many races, religions, customs, nationalities and beliefs within our world bring us great richness and allow us the benefits and teachings of such diverseness. I know we each learn in our own unique way in order to bring that love and wisdom back to the whole. I understand that if there were only one way to do something, there would need only be one person.

I will appreciate your unique inner light whether or not you behave in a way I
think you should or believe in those things I believe in. I understand you are
truly my brother and my sister, though you may have been born in a different
place and believe in different ideals.

The love I feel is for absolutely all that is. I know that every living thing Is a part of one consciousness and I feel a love deep within for every person, animal, tree, stone and flower, every bird, river and ocean and for all that is in all the world.

I live my life in loving service, being the best me I can, becoming wiser in The perfection of Divine Truth, becoming happier, healthier and increasingly
abundant and joyous.

Though along the way I may like you, feel indifferent towards you, or dislike you, I will not stop loving you - honouring your uniqueness and allowing you to be you. That is the key to peace and harmony in our lives and around our Earth since it is the capstone of Unconditional Love.

"AIDS" and the Intercellular Effect

ALL IS ONE. This truth also applies to our state of Health. Health means Whole. So how Whole do we want to be?

The medical establishment can and will NEVER be able to CURE a single disease, including the "common cold". At the end of the day it will become obvious that modern medicine has killed more people than the disease, that it was meant to cure.

It is the general knowledge that modern medicine is merely based on an
experimental science, using the incomplete deductive mindset and the microscopic observation to substantiate the superficial order. By the lack of the basic understanding of the One Law of Creation, one can not See the phenomena as a part of the Whole (Creation). Consequently the laboratory ("four-walled") can not bring forth the med-icine (med-ia = to connect) to restore ones wholeness or health. The medical science's insistence that AIDS can not be Reversed and Cured, proves this. If this is true, that Humanity (made in the image of the Creator of ALL) has become stuck with "AIDS", then God must be a liar. His Creation (of which we are a microcosm of) came forth by His One Law, CHANGE. So, why suddenly does this Eternal Constant not apply to "AIDS"?

This is why.... "AIDS" does NOT exist !!! How can we change non-existence? Up to today no one has died of the disease "AIDS", only of " AIDS related diseases". "AIDS" is a CONCEPT and as such the "S"(syndrome") attached to "AID " (Acquired immune Deficiency) is accepted by the masses who have no notion of why and how the deficiency is acquired. The "AIDS-doctrine" has also established a SPELL that supersedes the "folklore witchcraft".

So, let's use the Macroscope instead and find out how this modern scientific
witchcraft actually works.

Distant intercellular interactions in a system of two tissue cultures.
V.P. Kaznacheef, S.P. Shurin, L.P. Mikhailova, and N.V. Ignatovish
State Medical School, Novossibirsk, U.S.S.R., and School of Automatics and
Electrometrics, Novossibirsk, U.S.S.R.

Data are presented regarding distant interactions of the cells in two tissue
cultures, one of which was infected by a toxic external agent. The two cultures
were placed in isolated containers which preserved optical contact through
quartz windows. The interaction between cultures was determined by the
cytopathic effect (i.e. number of cells killed) in each culture. When specified
conditions were met, a "mirror cytopathic” effect was observed in the tissue
culture not exposed to the toxic agent. This "mirror" effect (or "cross-infection") may be due to INFORMATION transmitted from one tissue culture to the other by means of biochemiluminescent "CODE".



It has been scientifically confirmed that by emotional impulse the brain releases Peptites, which are "messengers" carrying the Information to cells throughout the body. The cell's Receptors internalise the information, by which the cell can be restructured. This can happen easily when the cell's Original MEMORY is lacking. This "cellular recall" can be weakened with the absence the whole cereal grain (as ones daily main food), sea salt (has the full spectrum trace minerals that the Natural immune system needs) and daily consumption of refined foods added with chemicals of inorganic origin (preservatives, artificial favouring, artificial colouring, fluoride, msg, etc.). In addition, the use and exposure to microwaves and household chemicals will crank up the lack of resistance to even more subtle invasions, such as "news", "education", commercials, microwave "zapping" and symbols.

Yes, symbols. Try the muscle-test with the two contrasting symbols.... the Broken Infinity pattern of "AIDS" (anti-change) and that of Change (8, Infinite). You will notice the disempowering effect of the "AIDS" symbol!

Up till this day no one has ever been able to show by picture or isolated culture that the culprit of "AIDS", the US patented "HIV" exists. This "virus" is of the mind and in combination with the psychological doctrine ("information") of FEAR, junkfood, chemicals, microwaves and symbology, it becomes possible for the ignorant weakened one to fall prey to this witchcraft. No truly healthy individual can be "infected/affected" by a form of life as primitive as the virus. "AIDS" around the world is noticed after the invasion of modern medicine (foremost the vaccine) and "coca cola / Mc. Donalds".

“Today’s Macrobiotics”

As the Macrobiotic teachings have been presented…for most people it is known as a “diet”. The truth is that it has served as a preparatory stage towards the FREEDOM that George Ohsawa relate to as the “seventh level of eating”, that of the Free Man who can eat everything without any harmful consequence. Therefore Yin/Yang is emphasised in order to understand the principle of the Eternal Constant, CHANGE. Why?…because the GOAL of Life is to REALISE that we Are an Eternal/Free Being…able to Change the Temporary into the Eternal…ultimately changing the illusory self (ego) into the SELF (= SELF-realisation).

We cannot be Free unless we can make the Limit our Stepping-stone. Within the True/Macro-realm the Limit can only “exist” by the ILLUSION. In the illusion it is the ego who Perceives the Two as Antagonists. Thus, as long as we cannot SEE ONENESS (the Two as One) we will struggle against the ego-imposed limitations, and it requires effort/struggle/suffering in order to survive. The theory that applies to this mode is “survival of the fittest”. All wars, including the war against the virus and even poverty (based on the illusory concept of value, money) must Wake us Up with the understanding that the Two are One, and that this Oneness foremost applies to the SELF. Any perception of Duality is that of the non-existing self or ego. Thus by Changing our Perception (level of Judgment, 7th level) we can KNOW. This Knowing first of all applies to what is most SELF-evident, the I AM. So, ultimately Yin/Yang (maintaining Change) must be identified by Finite/Illusion (Yin, Division) and Reality/Infinite (Yang, Union). Then the Choice (correlates with the FORCE by which the One became Two) has to be made between the Two and the One. With the Choice of the latter (BE One)….by this FORCE the Two can become One, again. This is FREEDOM or ultimate Health.

The self (Ego) does NOT exist and thus wants to change everything that’s Infinite/Unconditional/Priceless into the Finite/Conditional/Priced. The SELF (I AM or ALL Being) IS and is maintained by the constant change of the Temporary into the Eternal (“Here and Now”). So, holding to any concept based on DUALITY (right/wrong, good/bad, mine/yours, disease/health, etc) will ultimately dissolve in Dis-illusion. The time has arrived that “today’s macrobiotics” is presented on the level by which the Two can be Realised as One, WITHIN the Indivi-dual (= “indivisible-two”). As such we can truly become MACROBIOTIC = SELF-realised.

Probably the greatest Macrobiotic Teacher is Sai Baba, who masters the Finite/Infinite-PORTAL. The following reports confirm the FREEDOM of a SELF-realised one…that any one of us can attain too. Not “just another guru”, but a Teacher who Teaches by Supreme EXAMPLE, showing us that what must be foremost cured is our IGNORANCE (= ignoring the SELF-evident). Ignoring this TRUTH that will set us FREE creates the most difficult disease to cure, which is ARROGANCE.


There is a prophecy by Mohammed which clearly predicts the coming of Sathya Sai Baba. In God Descends to Earth, Sanjay Kant states:

“According to an article published in "Two World's" Magazine of London, an Iranian writer was irresistibly drawn to a huge volume in Tehran. This book, called The Ocean of Light, is in 25 volumes. It is claimed to be the collection of the discourses of Prophet Mohammed.

Volume 13 of these discourses is called "Mehedi Moud" in Arabic, meaning "The Great Teacher that was promised."17

The detailed description Mohammed gives of this "Great Teacher" and "Master of the World" fits Sathya Sai Baba perfectly: "His hair will be profuse. There will be a gap between His front teeth. He will have a mole on his left cheek. He will not have a beard but will be clean shaven. His clothing will be like a flame." (Sai Baba wears orange.)

"His body will be small." (Sai Baba is barely five feet tall.)

"His legs and feet will be like those of a young girl." (Baba's feet are unusually small.)
"He will give gifts that are light in weight." (Baba most frequently gives rings, pendants and watches.)

"He will go around among his devotees and touch their heads with his hand. Many of His devotees will have a dot on their forehead. They will gather under a large tree." (For many years in His Whitefield ashram, Baba gave darshan under a large tree.)

"So as not to be deceived, you should know that the Master of the World will bring things out of His body, through His mouth." (For many years - including the last three - on the holy day of Maha Shivaratri, Sai Baba has brought forth out of His mouth a 'Shiva Linam', an egg-sized sacred stone which had formed within His body.)

"All the teachings of all religions of the world will be in his heart from birth. All the science and knowledge of the world from the beginning of time will be in his heart." (In interviews with
scientists and professors over the years, Baba has amply demonstrated full mastery of all fields of knowledge.)

"All things which you will ask of God, He (the Master of the World) will give you. All the treasures are under his feet. Every eye that sees him will be happy, not only humans but disembodied souls. He will live 95 years." (Sai Baba has said that His current incarnation will last for 95 years; this means he will leave his present body around 2020 A.D.)

"In the last 20 years of his life he will be the 'King of the whole world', but at that time only two-thirds of the people of the world will believe in him (Sai Baba has literally millions of devotees worldwide. At His 70th birthday party, over three million people came to celebrate.)

I recently met an Iranian man who told me that he has studied The Ocean of Light in detail, in the original, and assured me that the preceding quotes are indeed in the prophecy (along with others which point directly to Sai Baba). After years of study, he is personally certain that the prophecy refers only to Sathya Sai Baba.


And what does Baba Himself say?
"The totality of Divine Energy has come unto humanity as Sathya Sai. This is a human form in which every Divine Entity, every Divine Principle, that is to say all the names and forms ascribed by man to God are manifest.

He says He is the Father who sent Jesus - but then adds that we are also God, but have forgotten:
"You as body, mind or soul are a dream. But what you really are is pure existence, knowledge, bliss. You are the God of this universe.

He declares that He knows the entire past and future of everyone of us, as well as our every thought - and frequently proves this assertion by revealing intimate knowledge of the innermost thoughts and personal lives of His devotees.

His continuous flow, for over six decades, of miraculous manifestations, and instantaneous healings of 'incurable' maladies such as cancer, paralysis and blindness, is, to my knowledge, unparalleled in the history of the world.


Here are four representative stories, from among the thousands I've heard and read, which reveal a glimpse of Sai Baba's divine power, compassion and sense of humor.

The first is the account of Bhagwandas Daswani, a prosperous businessman of Hong Kong (reprinted from Face to Face with God, by V.I.K. Sarin, former senior journalist at one of India's leading newspapers):

"On May 10, 1977, I was struck with a massive heart attack. I was admitted to the Queen Mary Hospital on May 11, and I learned later that at 4 a.m. on the same day Baba had called my son, who was studying in Swami's College at Whitefield, and told him, "Go to Hong Kong immediately, as your father is having a little heart trouble."

Daswani said, "I actually died for two minutes and was revived by doctors."

Although Daswani came around, there was no improvement in his condition and he was confined to the Intensive Care Unit. On May 20, he suffered a relapse and started hemorrhaging from the anus. He was losing about four pints of blood a day. He had drips in both arms and a pad over his heart. The hemorrhaging continued for three days and by May 24, his family had lost hope for his life, and so had the team of doctors.

"On the morning of May 25, at exactly 4:10 a.m.," recalled Daswani, "Sathya Sai Baba walked through the wall of the room and sat on the bed. He showered vibhuti all over me. The vibhuti came pouring out of his hand in a never-ending flow. With the vibhuti bath I suddenly felt a surge of strength all through my body.

I was completely baffled by the appearance of Baba in the room, and thought I was dreaming or hallucinating. I therefore said, 'Baba are you really here or am I dreaming?' He said, 'I am here all right. What would you like me to do?' I said, 'Just put me on that couch over there next to the bed, so that I know I am not dreaming.' He then lifted me up as though I was a feather and placed me on the couch. The drips in my arm remained intact,nothing was disturbed. Baba then left the same way as he had come.

I then rang the night bell to call the staff nurse. A horde of nurses came rushing into the room. Their astonishment was beyond description. 'How did you get here?' they asked. 'I walked,' I
said, aware that it would be impossible for them to believe the truth. Who has been in here? And what is all this dust all over the bed, and all over you?' they asked. I said, 'Don't ask me. Just collect that dust and put it in a paper bag for me.' They did this and collected one and a half kilograms of vibhuti.

"I began to improve rapidly after this, and the doctors and the staff kept questioning me as to what had happened. Finally an Indian doctor showed up and he said to me, 'Look, I am an Indian. You can tell me what happened.' I told him, and he kept my secret. On May 29 I was able to walk by myself to another ward. I made a complete recovery, and what is more, my diabetes has disappeared and my blood sugar is normal. I owe my eternal gratitude to Bhagavan Baba.

Here is the testimony of Kitty Lamonte of Scotland (as related in Divine Glory, by V. Balu & Shakuntala Balu):

"My story begins sometime last summer, when I first became aware of Baba. I was invited to visit some Indian friends of a friend of mine and they talked so lovingly and honestly about Baba that I decided to read more about him. I read 'The Holy Man and the Psychiatrist' [by Samuel Sandweiss], and in fact used it almost like a Bible, in that I read the writings of Baba everyday.

"At this time I had something of a drinking problem and was consuming far more alcohol than was good for me, but was unable to stop. I decided that I would enlist the help of Baba, so for three nights I sat there with the book, Baba's photograph and the whisky. I poured my drink on the 27th November, at 11:45 p.m. and sat down to watch T.V. I put my hand on the book, looked at the photograph and said, 'You really will have to help me to stop this.'

There was an almighty noise and the glass exploded into a million bits. It went everywhere in the room, it was under tables, on top of books in a bookcase and some of it was found by my housekeeper the following day, under the cushion I had been sitting on. . . .

"The most interesting thing for me happened two days later. I was on a train and had not been able to get the sound of this exploding glass out of my mind, when a voice in my head said, "Did you notice that not a bit of it touched you?" I cannot tell you the feeling of absolute joy I experienced at that moment. I suddenly realised that only a miracle could have stopped this glass from damaging me very badly. It was no more than a foot away from my face.

"I have now made a firm commitment to Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, never to drink alcohol again.

One day Baba called a poor Muslim family in for an interview, and along with them, one Hindu man. (The person who told me this story heard it directly from the Hindu man.) A boy in the family was distraught because his two best friends had gone on a pilgrimage to Mecca, and his parents couldn't afford to send him along. (As a consolation, they'd brought him to see Sai Baba.)

Baba started the interview by saying to the boy, "So, you want to go to Mecca." The boy burst into tears, and Baba then turned and spoke to the others for a while. The boy continued crying, and finally Baba turned to him and said, "You really want to go to Mecca, don't you!" Baba then tapped the wall of the interview room with His hand, and the wall disappeared - and in its place, a street scene from Saudi Arabia appeared.

"Look, there are your two friends. Now go! You have half an hour." The boy walked into the street scene... and the wall reappeared. Baba spoke with the stunned family for another half an hour, and then tapped the wall again. The street scene reappeared - and the boy walked back into the interview room, proudly carrying some souvenirs from Mecca!

A month later, when his friends returned home, the boy's parents asked them, "How long was he with you?" Confirming the boy's account, his friends replied, "Two weeks."

(Clearly Baba is a Master of both time and space - as well as being That which is beyond time and space! That's the fourth story I've heard about Sai Baba instantly transporting someone to a distant land through His interview room wall.)

Here is an account of the resurrection of V. Radhakrishna, as told by V.I.K. Sarin in Face to Face with God:

"The miracle took place in 1953. Radhakrishna was seriously ill with gastric ulcers and other complications, when he visited Puttaparthi [from his home town of Kuppam] in the hope that Baba would cure him. He was accompanied by his wife Radhamma and daughter Vijaya.

On arrival at the ashram he was put straight to bed. Baba, who was then only 27 years old, visited him but made no attempt to heal him. Radhakrishna complained that he would rather die than continue to suffer the extreme pain he was in. Baba smiled but made no comments.

A few days later Radhakrishna went into a coma and his wife and daughter, who were at the bedside, heard the "death rattle" in his throat. Swami came and examined him, but still did nothing. An hour later Radhakrishna's breathing stopped. He turned blue, and then went cold and stiff. A male nurse pronounced him dead. Baba examined him again.

"Don't worry," he said. "Everything will be all right." But he still made no attempt to revive him. The faith of the wife and daughter was put to severe test. The following day they sat loyally by the bedside anxiously awaiting any signs of returning life. But there was no indication of revival. Somehow the two women managed to cling on to a vestige of faith that in His own way and in His own time Swami would revive Radhakrishna.

On the morning of the third day the body turned dark, quite stiff and began to smell. It was suggested to Radhamma that the "corpse" should be removed from the ashram, but she refused adamantly to countenance such action without the authority of Baba. His aides asked for instructions as to whether the body should be sent back to Kuppam or be cremated at Puttaparthi. Baba replied enigmatically, "We'llsee."

The two women were in despair. They went to Baba and pleaded with Him. He simply said, "Have no fear. I am here." He did, however, promise to visit their room and examine Radhakrishna later. An hour went by, then two and there was no sign of Baba. It was then that
Radhamma and Vijaya gave up hope. Then, suddenly, Swami appeared in the doorway of their room, calm and smiling. The two women burst into tears, like Mary and Martha, the sisters of Lazarus, weeping before their Lord who, they thought, had come too late.

Gently He asked them to leave the room, and as they moved out He closed the door behind them. They do not know - nor anyone else knows till this day - what really transpired in the next few minutes in that room where only Swami and the dead man were present. But in just a few minutes, Baba opened the door and beckoned the women in there, to see their loved one sitting up in bed and smiling! The stiffness of death had vanished and his natural colour was returning.

Baba said to him, "Talk to them, they were worried." Radhakrishna, with a puzzled look said, "Why are you worried? I am all right!" He was not aware that he had been in a deathly coma. Swami then said to Radhamma, "I have given your husband back to you. Now give him a hot drink." Thereupon He blessed the family and left.

The next day the patient was strong enough to walk. On the third day he wrote a seven-page letter to a relative in Italy. A few days after that the whole family returned to their home in Kuppam. Not only was Radhakrishna raised from the dead, but the gastric ulcers and the other complications were completely healed. It was a repetition of the raising of Lazarus.


Many Western scientists and researchers have investigated Baba's miraculous powers, and declared them to be genuine. Baba is probably most famous for His materializations of rings - and the frequent manifestations of vibhuti, kumkum and amrit which appear on His photographs in various places around the globe. [The photos below show examples of such manifestations
from devotees' homes around the world.]

Yet vibhuti manifestations are only the beginning: He's manifested thousands of items, including deity statues, japa malas, lingams, gems, fine watches, all kinds of jewelry, photographs, puja items, at least one crucifix, and various kinds of food - sometimes in huge quantities. (When they first emerge from the ether, many of the deity statues are literally too hot to handle, as if the metal had just begun to cool from its molten state.) Baba often makes such items miraculously appear on the altars of His devotees in various locations around the world - and then later causes vibhuti or kumkum to form on them.

I've heard that He once materialized a live monkey in His interview room. He assures us that these manifestations are no mere magic, nor even the siddhi of being able to psychically move objects from one place to another. His miracles occur by God's power, the same power that created the universe: the ability to will into being anything He wishes. (This has been proven on a number of occasions, such as the time a devotee handed Him a leaf and He returned the same leaf coated in gold, or the time he manifested an apple for a couple who had been trying unsuccessfully to have a child: when cut in two, the 'apple' turned out to be a passion-fruit on the inside. The couple ate it, and nine months later had their first child.)


Some people have accused Baba of "faking" materializations, saying, for instance, that they have seen Him clandestinely pull a ring from under His cushion and then wave His hand and pretend to miraculously manifest the ring. Although these stories may just be more lies from the jealous ones, let's assume, for the sake of discussion, that Baba does occasionally throw some cheap magic tricks in among His miracles, and allows a few devotees to glimpse His sleight of hand. What could be the reason for it? First of all, there could be many devotees whom Baba wishes to bless with a faith-enhancing gift, who are simply not karmically ripe enough to receive a divinely manifested object. (Most souls in this age are immersed in dense worldly ignorance, and are neither spiritually ready nor karmically deserving to witness genuine miracles.)

So, although Baba definitely has the power to manifest anything He wishes, and transform one object into another with a single puff of His breath (something He has proved time and time again for decades), for certain souls He might instead engage in a bit of beginner's magic, and pull a ring from under His cushion rather than materializing it. This would enable those devotees to receive the gifts from His hand that they craved, thereby giving their faith a boost, while satisfying the requirements of the Law of Karma. By allowing one or more devotees to glimpse the trick, my guess is that Baba would simply be exposing a doubt that was already lurking within their minds, bringing it to the surface so it could be faced directly - and in the process giving them a severe test.


In understanding Baba's miracles, it's important to remember His own words on the subject: He says that in comparison with His true mission, His miracles are "like a mosquito on an elephant's back."

He repeats what Shirdi Sai Baba said so often: "I give them what they want, so they will want what I have to give!" He says He has come not to manifest rings or bless us with promotions and healings - the purpose for His incarnation is to usher in a new age of Divine Peace on Earth, and establish divine qualities in our hearts:

"This Sai has come in order to achieve the supreme task of uniting the entire mankind as one family through the bond of brotherhood, of affirming and illumining the Atmic Reality of each being in order to reveal the Divine, which is the basis on which the entire Cosmos rests. This Sai has come to instruct all to recognize the common Divine Heritage that binds man to man, so that man can rid himself of the animal and rise into the Divine, which is his goal. This Sai has come to show that Love - Prema - is the easiest way to reach the Divine.

Baba says He has come to "avert the crisis that has come upon humanity", and usher in a new age of divine wisdom upon the Earth, a golden age of Love, peace and understanding - and He assures us that He will succeed.

In the mid-1980's He told His students that He would be working directly with the minds of Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev to bring about a change in the world. I would guess it is no mere co-incidence that the fall of global communism occurred less than ten years after that statement was made! (As Baba said in the '70s when asked about Communism, "Communists? Come you next!") Now Baba has thousands of devotees from the former communist nations, spreading His message of Divine Love where such words were forbidden for decades.

Surely Baba's work has made the world a better place; the Earth, by His plan, grown a hair closer to Planet Peace. Perhaps it will be with Prema Sai, Baba's next incarnation - due to be born in some lucky South Indian manger around 2028 - that the global level of spiritual knowledge will reach critical mass, and the Earth and its atmosphere finally be divinely transformed, into a Paramatma-sphere. May the day come soon!


Baba's teachings cover many viewpoints, and seem to primarily be a resounding, world-emboldening 'Yes!' to all legitimate spiritual paths and the basic truths of all religions. Most of Baba's teachings focus on love - love for God and for all beings - as the essential core of spirituality: "Start the day with Love. Spend the day with Love. Fill the day with Love. End the day with Love. This is the way to God!" And this Love is to be given to everyone, always, without exception: "Love all, serve all! Help ever, hurt never!"

Yet as I explored His teachings more deeply, I found that He is also a Master of advaithic philosophy, and a strong exponent of the jnana path (the path of Atmic wisdom). "The main aim of human life is to acquire the knowledge of the Atman. This is the true Purushartha [goal of life]. Human life will find fulfillment only if this goal is attained.

The various approaches are beautifully balanced in His discourses, with devotion and Atmic abidance given equal importance. Baba also stresses the practice of what He calls the five primary human values, namely, Love, Truth, Peace, Righteousness, and Non-violence. In many of His discourses He asks us to dedicate all our actions to God and live in tireless selfless service to humanity.

He also lays importance on the practice of kindness, and the use of sweet speech under all circumstances, saying, "You cannot always oblige; but you can always speak obligingly."

Baba advocates daily meditation for all, as well as repetition of God's Names with love, devotional singing, and the practice of seeing and serving God within everyone, laying particular emphasis on continual remembrance of the Divine Reality.

"Spirituality means constant integrated awareness." Interestingly, He does not encourage His non-Hindu devotees to become Hindus, but rather, to use His teachings to become the best Christians, Jews, Muslims or Buddhists they can be. Many of the devotional songs sung at Baba's ashrams contain the names of Allah, Jesus, Zaroaster, Mahavir, Moses, Guru Nanak and the Buddha, in addition to the Hindu Avatars. It seems to be a clear a way of saying, 'Hear, O world! The Lord is One!'

"There is only one Religion, the Religion of Love.
There is only one caste, the caste of Humanity.
There is only one language, the language of the Heart.
There is only one God, and He is omnipresent."

As an aid to the realization of His primary teaching – that we are God - He often recommends use of the mantra 'So Ham' (meaning "I am He", or "I am God"). He has also offered His devotees the following maha-affirmation:

I am God! I am God! I am not different from God!
I am the eternal undifferentiated Absolute!
Grief and anxiety cannot effect me.
I am always content. Fear cannot enter me.
I am Satchidananda! I am pure Existence, Knowledge and Bliss.
I am Omnipotent! I am all-powerful; nothing is impossible for me!
I am Omniscient! I am all-knowing; there is nothing which is not known to me.
I am Omnipresent! I am present everywhere. I pervade this universe!
I am Krishna! I am Christ! I am Buddha!
I am Sai! I am Sai! I am Sai!
I am God! I am God! I am God!

Be Free

Health means Whole. There is no limit to Health, because Wholeness is unlimited. In other words, Oneness cannot be measured. Therefore the Macrobiotic Way is ALL-inclusive. We basically eat to maintain the Oneness between the outer and the inner. So, in order to be UNLIMTED and FREE, we must be able to eat anything that can interconnect us with the external and beyond. As George Ohsawa defined it with the “7th level of eating, that of Free Man”.

To rise to the 7th level requires us to be able to complete the Inner-Change and as such set the basis for the Change back into the outer and beyond. Change is the Eternal Constant and enables us to expand (Yin) from Within (Yang). Our FREEDOM is proportional to how DEEP we can come within our self. Therefore the most whole (universal) and “dense food” must be eaten to distil the outer, whereby the cellular-MEMORY is boosted. This “implosion”, however…requires us to “explode” by way of REMEMBERING (inner into the outer, to create).

Memory and Remembering generate the Greatest Cycle (interconnecting finite and infinite) that we are a part of. Ultimately we must Remember the DREAM or PLAN that gave us entrance to Great Mystery. So, the FULFILMENT is by us to realise the Dream. Thus the highest way of eating is to eat for the Fulfilment of an Infinite Dream, that we temporarily forget as we try to build up our self to become the “Turning-Point or Mirror”. Then the stage for Realising that the SELF is Eternal. How else can we catch up with the Dream. It will all add up to the INEVITABLE return to the Oneness . As such our Health cannot be limited by a way of eating/living that’s bound by the “do’s and don’ts”- Division.

So, the pressure-cooking of food can be used to aid the “Inner-deepening”…with the stipulation that it must go along with the understanding that Yang in the extreme creates Yin. When the Yin-quality is not generated unto the universal context, through the Human Potential via the Brain, the Body may react by the internal decomposition of complex cells. In other words, the internally released Memory is not “fast enough” to ”IN Time” via the Brain reach (remember) the “hologram” where the food came from. This is what cancer is, stuck in “inner-time” which causes a biological regression, because Change cannot be withheld from the release or return to the food’s origin. Then a “shortcut” takes place in Change, which reduces the level of Being…that may correlate with that of a simple-cell. In other cases one may “remember the chicken-stage”…that a certain form of arthritis is clinically identified by. All degenerative diseases are the result of one not being able to “IN Time” complete a cycle where the Human Potential comes to a certain level of FULFILMENT. Senility is another symptom of memory not being able to be released via the Brain. So, along with eating the Memory-containing food, we must also have the Mind sharpened with the Universal FOCUS. The brain is much more than a “bundle of organised neurons” (read Cosmic Purpose of the right and left brain).

It is of great importance that we diagnose beyond the “standard-physiognomy”. The “macrobiotic-teachings” must incorporate the cosmology by which the correlations between Body/Mind/Soul and Universe can be applied to the attainment of our Health. Food is much more than “just nutrition”! (read the Nine Cosmic Gates at http://www.shaketheanthill.net ). The “magic square and the Brain are here mentioned. The next essay is hinting an aspect of the Macrobiotic teaching that some among the “seniors” shrug off as “non-sense”. As for those who seek a true Macro-perspective, a more serious approach will add to the Consciousness we need to use the Yin/Yang compass within the Macro-realm.

The teachings of the “magic square” for instance can give us a great understanding of today’s world. Much unnecessary time and energy is wasted on the day to day responses and decision making due to believing the “credibility” of the political/economic/psychological/scientific order. Also “health-journals” often depend on deceiving “conventional information”. In addition, personal beliefs are added to this heap of rubbish, which are then used to substantiate “right/wrong-arguments”. How many do still believe that we must at least drink eight glasses of water per day and that blood is created by the bone-marrow.

Instead we can use COMMON-SENSE (sensing what we have in common within the universal context) to point out the SELF-evident. So, what is most SELF-evident is us, the “I AM”. Start practicing. Yes, use the Yin/Yang Compass…but foremost LISTEN to the SELF, that we will end up with…at the END.

Cosmic Purpose of the
Right and Left Brain

As far as we can SENSE…it is registered in the brain. So, what is sensing? Without opposites sensing is not possible. The Oneness can not feel or sense itself. There has to be a “MIRROR”.

So, how can the ONLY ONE create the Mirror? The Oneness is held together with the “supreme superglue” and the “ungluing” requires the Force for the ONE to be Differentiated. This Force is Creator’s WILL and comes about by Consciousness. Thus upon the differentiation, when the TWO meet, Consciousness is related to. This connection with the “externalised ONE” is what sensing is. What we know as “outside” is the result of it.

Finding ourselves within the context of Earth…her Centre correlates with the ONE where it all began. From this Nucleus the Mirror, Outer, Circle or Circumference is created. So, in order to Sense the Consciousness has to be substantiated on the surface or HORIZONTAL plane. This process is facilitated by the Human Potential. So, every detail of Earth has to be within the Human in order to be able to Sense by, with and for Earth. To begin with, every part of the Human has to be interconnected by the very Centre (representing the ONE) of Earth, which is the Iron Nucleus that’s carried by the Blood. That’s why the intensity of feeling is proportional to the flow of the blood within the body. Moreover, the iron’s energy (correlating with the “Ungluing Force”) is the magnetism by which the inner and the outer is interconnected.

In the small-intestine, being the “inner-Earth”, Food (condensed environment) is biologically transmuted into blood. Thus, with the iron’s magnetism the blood rises and extends the sensing away from Earth’s Centre. By this centrifugal force the Brain becomes the “inner-Heaven”, from where feeling can be translated into higher forms of relating to Consciousness (read The Nine Cosmic gates). What takes place here is for the VERTICAL “inner-Earth” – “Inner-Heaven” relationship to arrive on the HORIZONTAL plane. These two inner vertical poles become the Small-brain and Large-brain, which are POLARISED by the right-brain and left-brain. The latter ones can do so by their correlation to East and West. Both East and West bring out Earth’s magnetism perpendicular to the Vertical North-South polarity.

So, with the geographic/biological/social/psychological Concept to divide Earth, by FIXING East (“Orient”) and West (“Occident”) …the Human’s Brain consequently registers all feelings dualistically on the horizontal plane, where the stage is set for the unfolding of a Drama to Substantiate a Consciousness according to Creator’s PLAN. With the accomplishment Earth’s Centre has then become as large as the attained Awareness to what extend the Human can sense. In other words, we must become conscious with the realisation that we are what we sense. Ultimately we sense with the Mind, by thinking. Hence the saying “I think therefore I exist”. The opposite is also true, “I exist therefore I think”. However, it must also be understood that the blood that goes to the brain, so that we can think…rises via the Heart, where ALL opposites meet as ONE. Thus the true thinking is from the Heart where we can Feel by LOVE! From here the illusory division that takes place on the horizontal plane can be reduced, back to the ONE of who we are. The Force that we need for this return is represented by the same WILL by which the ONE could become TWO. By the surrendering of our “small will” (desire) to The WILL, by the CHOICE to BE or “I AM” (TWO become ONE) we attain the SELF-realisation!

The differentiation that brought us on the horizontal plane made us experience the ONLY ONE in every one. It created the multi-facetted-mirror. The sensing through this mirror brought forth the labour-pains for the birth of the SELF in a New Light of Freedom…with the understanding that Freedom is the endless realisation of an Infinite Dream. So, the whole process is:

* DEEP SLEEP – Bliss without being aware of it.
* DREAM or TWILIGHT – creation of the “blueprint” or Illusion.
* AWAKENING – Realising the Dream.
* CONSTANTLY AWAKE – Conscious Bliss. This is SELF-realisation, Sensing that we are ETERNAL!

Envision the animation of the above….

Earth shown from the side, seeing North-South along the vertical axis.
Earth moves around her axis, showing that East and West are actually One.
Thus we see the CROSS turning around its Vertical polarity.
Observing from the side, the cross can be fully seen at any MOMENT when the two ends of the Horizontal polarity of the Cross are in SYNCHRONISITY with our own Horizontal Extremes of PERCEPTION, which are the Right and Left Brain.
The Horizontal polarity, that moves around, is that of East and West “chasing” each other in a the Natural state.
Then by CONCEPT, East and West become Artificially FIXED at the EXTREMES of Earth’s Circumference…which correlates with the MINDSET that’s also fixed according to a Plan.
The Fixation is nothing else but the “Delayed Perception of the Moment”, which allows us to have an EXPERIENCE by Space and Time according to Secondary laws.
Consequently the Vertical image of the cross flips over and becomes the Horizontal “Four Directions”.
Then, finding ourselves as an “individual” existing on a PART of Earth’s surface, the perception becomes increasingly distorted.
DISORIENTATION increases too and the search for the “missing parts”, without the Unifying Principle of the Universe, we then try to unify the world according to an artificial order.
This strive for unity goes on with the destruction of everything that stands between us as an subject of the artificial order and Creation.
Ultimately Nature will destroy the artificial order itself.
Now we must orient and find ourselves from WITHIN ourselves
Seen from Earth’s Centre outwards, to either North or South…the Cross is shown within the Circle.
This signifies the importance of the North-South union, so that their Unifying Centre (attained through the Human Potential) can also be the catalyst for the East-West union.
However, as long as we have not fully come to the Centre of our own Heart, the Cross can not be FIXED within the Circle.
With this state of Mind we remain on Earth’s surface in a REACTIONARY state, roaming as “crusaders”.
The BRAIN, however, has been most precisely designed to not only facilitate the “crusader”, but also the end of it, by having the MID-brain to centre Earth’s VIA the Heart (has four chambers) into the “four-directions” of the Brain.
This attained Centre is that of the MID-brain.
The final internal-centring can happen by the UN-fixing of the “East” and “West”.
As such Right and Left Brain can UNIFY at the Brain’s Centre, by which Small and Large Brain can also become ONE and thus all the Direction merge into One.
What we then can see is the Cross flipping over to its original state, with the difference that the Circle it finds itself in is the full-spectrum-horizon the CONSCIOUSNESS has been EXPANDED into, through the Human Potential or the ONE Who has the ability and capacity to make the CHOICE to BE.
The “to BE” is the Attained Consciousness that rises from the SUBSTANTIATED plane where a part of CONSCIOUSNESS is REALISED.
As such the realm around Earth can be Substantiated too.
In other words the Human can not only EMBODY Earth, but the realm that can INFINITELY STRETCH FROM WITHIN!
This resonates to WORLD PEACE and Beyond.
Final image…the ongoing “flip-flop” of the Cross within the Circle, as the Circumference INFINITELY EXPANDS.


Blogger Realndn said...


2:58 AM  
Blogger Dr. Al Carroll said...

From a Hopi elder, a warning on Roy Steevenz AKA "Roy Littlesun"

First and foremost Roy arrived at Hotevilla, Third Mesa, Hopi Traditional Homeland, with no background and no cultural understanding. He arrived with a personal plan and agenda which did not take into consideration the lives and dignity of the Hopi people. This demonstrated to me that regardless of his "spiritual" and "macrobiotic" front, he was a rather racist, ignorant and egotistical man. Little did he know, due to his own blindness, that everyone in the community could see him for what he was from the beginning. However, as is often the case, self-serving persons in the community gave him a foot-hold whereby he could maintain his spot in Hopi for a long time. The damage he did was intense. Again, his very ignorance of Hopi, blinded him to the foolish and sacriligious things he did and said. First, if he had had the humility to listen to the Hopi he would have been aware that he was disregarding them and exhibiting blatant blasphemy and distain. He essentially tried to set up his own peculiar "religion", collect funds and followers right on Hopi land. This is about like some nut walking into a Catholic Church and proceeding to perform his own services at the altar and proclaiming himself the Pope if not Christ Jesus himself.

The Hopi have become accustomed to odd-balls and quacks over many years of observation. Roy was a rare phenomena. He was too rude to depart when asked. It is commonly accepted that the Hopi name for themselves is translated "peaceful people". Actually, the closer and more correct translation is "the polite people" or "the people of good manners." This would include having the manners not to stay where you are not wanted. A person of good manners does not walk into another's home and proceed to give orders, criticism and moral instruction.

I will state that the man is ignorant, disrespectful, dictatorial, a fraud, dangerous to vulnerable people, a liar, a hypocrite, a blasphemer, a phony, a cultural thief and abuser. Closer to Hitler than to any indigenous concept of Holy Man or Spokesperson. I hope he is soon stopped from using the name of Hopi in any way.

Hazel Hatnenn

3:20 PM  

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